Back-end Integration Overview


Welcome to the integration guide for Authopia. This document provides an overview of the initial steps required to integrate our services with your backend system. Detailed examples and specific integration scenarios are available on subsequent pages.

Initial Setup

Begin by securing two key pieces of information from your admin panel dashboard:

  1. Customer ID: Essential for retrieving the correct public key to verify JWTs. Each customer's ID leads to a unique set of public keys, ensuring JWTs are verified accurately and securely.

  2. Project ID: This ID is used to authenticate users for a specific project.

Understanding these identifiers and their roles is crucial for a smooth integration process.

Key Integration Steps

Familiarize yourself with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) used by Authopia for secure authentication. The process involves:

  1. Retrieving the JWKS: Access the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) using your customer-id at{customer-id}/.well-known/jwks.json. This step is crucial for obtaining the public keys necessary for JWT verification.

  2. JWT Verification: After retrieving the JWKS, you'll use it to verify the JWTs issued by our system. This step is crucial for secure communication.

Our JWKS retrieval process and project-specific user authentication ensure a personalised and secure integration for each customer.

Next Steps

Now that you're familiar with the initial steps, you can explore specific integration examples tailored to your needs on our examples page. These examples will guide you through the detailed process of integrating Authopia with your backend system.

Last updated